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Definition and Understanding Download Download The process of transferring a file or data from one computer system to another computer system. From the Internet, users download is where users request a file from another computer (eg: a website, server, etc.) and then receive it. In other words, downloading is the transfer of files from the internet to the client computer/users can also be said about the process of receiving or retrieving files from the internet/server to the PC. System and how it works Download

Connect to the Internet > Open the web page > Open the cloud storage page > Download the process through the Internet. Some Popular Downloaders for Computer Users Here are some of the downloaders that are very popular and widely used by computer users around the world: Internet Download Manager - is an excellent download manager that is installed to install the ongoing download process on a computer. One advantage of IDM compared to other downloader is the video download feature of the popular Youtube website. BitTorrent - is a special downloader that can only be used to download torrent files. Compared to other downloaders, BitTorrent tends to be more secure from possible data corruption. However, downloading with BitTorrent is usually longer than downloading with other downloaders. Orbit Downloader - is a file download program similar to Internet Download Manager. Orbit Downloader has features in the form of stable downloading and is also free to download.